
Mouse Angiogenesis and Growth Factor 16-Plex Discovery Assay® Array (MDAG16)


sALK-1 | Amphiregulin | Angiopoietin-2 | EGF | Endoglin | Endothelin-1 | sFAS Ligand | FGF-2 | Follistatin | HGF | PLGF-2 | Prolactin | SDF-1 | VEGF-A | VEGF-C | VEGF-D

(single analysis)

Sample Volume Requirements
Single analysis 75 μL
Duplicate analysis 100 μL


Species Type
Sample Type & Qty
Sample Tube Type
Pilot Analysis
Infectious Nature

ERROR: Please Select A Species Type.

Species Type


Sample Type & Qty

BAL Fluid

Number of Samples

Volume (uL)

Dilution Factor
This refers to the dilution factor of the samples that you are sending. Note that some assays recommend a dilution factor for assay performance or to reduce the demand on precious sample volume. For example, a number of rat and mouse cytokine arrays recommend a 2-fold dilution for serum/plasma samples (1 part sample and 1 part diluent) - please contact us for more information if needed.

Cell Lysate

Number of Samples

Volume (uL)

Dilution Factor
This refers to the dilution factor of the samples that you are sending. Note that some assays recommend a dilution factor for assay performance or to reduce the demand on precious sample volume. For example, a number of rat and mouse cytokine arrays recommend a 2-fold dilution for serum/plasma samples (1 part sample and 1 part diluent) - please contact us for more information if needed.


Number of Samples

Volume (uL)

Dilution Factor
This refers to the dilution factor of the samples that you are sending. Note that some assays recommend a dilution factor for assay performance or to reduce the demand on precious sample volume. For example, a number of rat and mouse cytokine arrays recommend a 2-fold dilution for serum/plasma samples (1 part sample and 1 part diluent) - please contact us for more information if needed.


Number of Samples

Volume (uL)

Dilution Factor
This refers to the dilution factor of the samples that you are sending. Note that some assays recommend a dilution factor for assay performance or to reduce the demand on precious sample volume. For example, a number of rat and mouse cytokine arrays recommend a 2-fold dilution for serum/plasma samples (1 part sample and 1 part diluent) - please contact us for more information if needed.


Number of Samples

Volume (uL)

Dilution Factor
This refers to the dilution factor of the samples that you are sending. Note that some assays recommend a dilution factor for assay performance or to reduce the demand on precious sample volume. For example, a number of rat and mouse cytokine arrays recommend a 2-fold dilution for serum/plasma samples (1 part sample and 1 part diluent) - please contact us for more information if needed.


Number of Samples

Volume (uL)

Dilution Factor
This refers to the dilution factor of the samples that you are sending. Note that some assays recommend a dilution factor for assay performance or to reduce the demand on precious sample volume. For example, a number of rat and mouse cytokine arrays recommend a 2-fold dilution for serum/plasma samples (1 part sample and 1 part diluent) - please contact us for more information if needed.


Number of Samples

Volume (uL)

Dilution Factor
This refers to the dilution factor of the samples that you are sending. Note that some assays recommend a dilution factor for assay performance or to reduce the demand on precious sample volume. For example, a number of rat and mouse cytokine arrays recommend a 2-fold dilution for serum/plasma samples (1 part sample and 1 part diluent) - please contact us for more information if needed.

Synovial Fluid

Number of Samples

Volume (uL)

Dilution Factor
This refers to the dilution factor of the samples that you are sending. Note that some assays recommend a dilution factor for assay performance or to reduce the demand on precious sample volume. For example, a number of rat and mouse cytokine arrays recommend a 2-fold dilution for serum/plasma samples (1 part sample and 1 part diluent) - please contact us for more information if needed.

Tissue Homogenate

Number of Samples

Volume (uL)

Dilution Factor
This refers to the dilution factor of the samples that you are sending. Note that some assays recommend a dilution factor for assay performance or to reduce the demand on precious sample volume. For example, a number of rat and mouse cytokine arrays recommend a 2-fold dilution for serum/plasma samples (1 part sample and 1 part diluent) - please contact us for more information if needed.

Tissue/Cell Culture Supernatant

Number of Samples

Volume (uL)

Dilution Factor
This refers to the dilution factor of the samples that you are sending. Note that some assays recommend a dilution factor for assay performance or to reduce the demand on precious sample volume. For example, a number of rat and mouse cytokine arrays recommend a 2-fold dilution for serum/plasma samples (1 part sample and 1 part diluent) - please contact us for more information if needed.


Number of Samples

Volume (uL)

Dilution Factor
This refers to the dilution factor of the samples that you are sending. Note that some assays recommend a dilution factor for assay performance or to reduce the demand on precious sample volume. For example, a number of rat and mouse cytokine arrays recommend a 2-fold dilution for serum/plasma samples (1 part sample and 1 part diluent) - please contact us for more information if needed.



Number of Samples

Volume (uL)

Dilution Factor
This refers to the dilution factor of the samples that you are sending. Note that some assays recommend a dilution factor for assay performance or to reduce the demand on precious sample volume. For example, a number of rat and mouse cytokine arrays recommend a 2-fold dilution for serum/plasma samples (1 part sample and 1 part diluent) - please contact us for more information if needed.


Sample Tube Type
Conforming tubes are 0.5-0.65mL snap cap tubes. Having a conforming tube helps us complete your analysis efficiently and accurately. A $4.00 charge per sample tube may be added to your order if sample tubes are non-conforming.

0.5-0.65ml Snap Cap

Other Tube Type

Label Type
Conforming tube labeling is with a constant letter from your last name followed by consecutive numbers. (ie. Last name Smith: S1, S2, S3, etc.). Labelling tubes in this manner helps us complete your analysis efficiently and accurately. A $4.00 charge per sample tube may be added to your order if sample labelling is non-conforming.

Alpha Numeric Labeling (1 letter with consecutive numbers, i.e. A1,A2, A3, etc.)

Other Label Type (Attach sample list at checkout)


Pilot Analysis

Pilot runs are recommended for medium to large cohorts of samples that lack homogeneity (i.e. n>20 of tissue homogenate samples, cell culture samples, or less common sample types which can have higher sources of variability and/or unpredictable analyte levels). Running a pilot in such instances will ensure an optimal dilution factor is used before running your entire sample cohort. Pilot runs are ideally done on samples that reflect the expected experimental range and are provided as separate aliquots/separate samples designated for the pilot run.


Yes - I will include additional pilot samples (RECOMMENDED: to remove consideration for inter-assay variables between pilot and main sample cohort assay sessions)

Yes – I will indicate pilot samples from within my cohort (CAUTION: pilot samples will not be run again with the main assay. Inter-assay variables may result in a batch effect)


Infectious Nature
If your samples are of an infectious nature, please contact us PRIOR TO SHIPPING. Please DO NOT SHIP infectious samples unless you have contacted us for requirements.


Yes (please state the infectious nature for reivew prior to shipping)





Tube Type:

Pilot Analysis:

Pilot Sample Numbers:

Infectious Nature:

Total Number of Samples:

**Select the Replication in Which You Want Your Samples Tested:

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This assay uses the Luminex® 200™ platform.

Consider this assay for an in-depth analysis of 16 critical biomarkers involved in angiogenesis and growth factor signaling in mouse models. The Mouse Angiogenesis and Growth Factor 16-Plex Discovery Assay® Array (MDAG16) includes key targets such as VEGF-A, Angiopoietin-2, EGF, and FGF-2.

This panel is ideal for studying processes related to vascular development, tumor growth, and tissue repair. For instance, VEGF-A and Angiopoietin-2 are essential in angiogenesis and are often assessed in cancer research and cardiovascular studies. FGF-2 and HGF play significant roles in cellular proliferation and wound healing, making this assay valuable for research in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.

By offering simultaneous measurement of multiple factors, this assay provides comprehensive insights into the mechanisms underlying angiogenesis and growth factor regulation, even from small sample volumes.

For a more comprehensive immune profile, consider running the Mouse Cytokine/Chemokine 32-Plex Discovery Assay® Array (MD32) in addition to this assay. The MD32 is our most popular mouse array, providing an extensive cytokine and chemokine profile by measuring 32 biomarkers simultaneously from a small sample volume. This array includes key markers such as IL-6, TNFα, and VEGF-A, offering a broad view of immune responses and inflammatory pathways. Combining these assays will give you a more detailed and holistic understanding of the immune landscape in your mouse models.

Discover the power of precision with our assay, expertly designed for the Luminex® 200™ platform. This cutting-edge technology enables the simultaneous detection of multiple biomarkers from a minimal single sample, delivering comprehensive insights with unmatched efficiency. Streamline your research and unlock a new level of detail with our advanced multiplex assay solution.

Click here for information on shipping biological samples for Discovery Assays

Published Research Featuring Our MDAG16:
  1. Tang, X., Morris, A. J., Deken, M. A., & Brindley, D. N. (2023). Autotaxin inhibition with IOA-289 decreases breast tumor growth in mice whereas knockout of autotaxin in adipocytes does not. Cancers, 15(11), 2937.